Vitamin K2-7 (menaquinone) supports bone and cardiovascular health. Vitamin K2-7 supports healthy bone mineralization by acting as a cofactor in the carboxylation of osteocalcin, allowing calcium to bind to this protein in the extracellular matrix of bone.
Vitamin K2-7 also supports healthy cardiac and vascular function. This form of Vitamin K concentrates in the tissues of the arteries, where it aids in carboxylation of Matrix Gla Protein to help maintain normal calcium metabolism and support healthy vascular elasticity. Additionally vitamin K2 may help support healthy lipid levels and glucose metabolism.
Although frank vitamin K deficiency is rare, research suggests the Western diet may not contain sufficient Vitamin K2-7 to optimize carboxylation of Gla outside the liver. Higher dietary intakes of K2 have been associated with healthy levels of arterial calcification and elasticity.
Compared to other forms of Vitamin K, Vitamin K2-7 has a longer half-life, resulting in more stable levels in the body. For best absorption, take with a mixed meal or some healthy dietary fat.