Healthy Motion supports your dog's joint health with ocean-sourced glucosamine, (green-lipped mussel providing chondroitin), and omegas, plus MSM and soothing botanicals. This nutritional supplement supports joint function and eases discomfort caused by normal exercise and activity. Healthy Motion supports structural integrity of joints and connective tissue. Healthy Motion chewable tablets have a natural chicken flavor; and the easy-to-mix powder has a natural salmon flavor your dog is sure to love.
Healthy Motion chewables and powder contain 500 mg of glucosamine HCI from natural shellfish along with 250 mg of MSM and 100 mg of green-lipped mussel extract to help support the structural integrity of joints and connective tissues.
A Joint Comfort Blend acts quickly to ease discomfort associated with normal exercise and daily activity. This blend includes meadowsweet, bromelain, stinging nettles, ginger and turmeric.
An ocean-sourced omega blend containing 150 mg in chewables and 75 mg in powder of wild salmon, cod, and tuna oil. Plus an antioxidant blend with organic spirulina and organic alfalfa to fight free radical damage and support overall health.
Healthy Motion chewables and powder are 100% natural and contain no wheat, soy, corn, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, fillers, binders, excipients, and has no added salt or refined sugar. They are manufactured in the USA in a certified-organic, GMP- and FDA-compliant facility, and are Certified Organic by Quality Assurance International (QAI).
Direction for Chewables: One tablet per 25 pounds body weight; 1/2 tablet for dogs under 25 pounds. For maximum benefit, double usage for first four to six weeks.
Direction for Powder: One tablespoon recommended per 25 pounds body weight. For maximum benefit, double usage for first four to six weeks.
Packaged in 100% recycled, 100% recyclable BPA-free Eco·Guard packaging with a 92% lower carbon footprint than virgin plastic.