Whole Dog Daily supports the nutritional value of your dog's diet and maximizes whole health every day. Whole Dog Daily comes in a convenient chewable tablet or easy-to-mix powder, in a natural chicken flavor your dog will love. This supplement contains over 70% organic ingredients and is designed to optimize digestion with food enzymes missing from processed pet food, strengthen natural defenses with probiotics, and maintain glowing skin and coat with food-sourced omegas. Antioxidant superfoods support long-term health and vitality. Whole Dog Daily can make a positive difference in your pet's health, a difference they can feel and you can see.
Whole Dog Daily supports digestion with a full spectrum of plant-sourced food enzymes and potent quantities of amylase, protease, hemi-cellulase, glucase, lipase and pectinase.
Live, multi-strain probiotics support gut health. A total 750 million CFU of microorganisms (including Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bacillus Subtilus) work together to ensure the proper balance of healthy bacteria.
Rich food-sourced fatty acids maintain glowing skin and a healthy coat, a difference you can see and feel. Certified organic nutrient-rich superfoods boost health and vitality for an active, energetic pet.
Whole Dog Daily is 100% natural and contains no wheat, soy, corn, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, fillers, binders, excipients, and has no added salt or refined sugar. This supplement is manufactured in the USA in a certified-organic, GMP- and FDA-compliant facility, and is Certified Organic by QAI.
One tablespoon or one tablet per 25 pounds body weight. This product is intended for intermittent or supplemental feeding only, not as a primary food source.
Packaged in 100% recycled, 100% recyclable BPA-free Eco·Guard packaging with a 92% lower carbon footprint than virgin plastic.