What Is It?
Vitamin K includes a group of compounds that contain a central ring structure with varying side chains. 2 family, menaquinones, are less common and are found in meats, eggs, some cheeses, and fermented food, such as Japanese natto.and MK-4 are primarily concentrated in the liver, while MK-7 is concentrated in extraÃ?�‚?��œhepatic tissues, including vascular tissues.and D for healthy calcium utilization to maintain healthy bones and blood vessels.
Uses For Synergy K
Bone Health: Vitamin K enhances bone formation by carboxylating osteocalcin. 1 and K 2 may be especially important for optimal carboxylation in aging individuals, as indicated by a recent study involving Japanese women.
Vascular Health:
Vitamin K dependent proteins in the liver are responsible for maintaining healthy blood coagulation and platelet function.What Is The Source?
Vitamin K 1 and vitamin K 2 (MK-4) are synthetic. 2 (MK-7) is naturally derived from natto (soy) and contains casein (milk).is derived from lanolin.
is a trademark of NattoPharma, Norway. Recommendations Pure Encapsulations recommends 1Ã?�‚?��œ2 capsules per day, with a meal. Are There Any Potential Side Effects Or Precautions? Vitamin K may be contraindicated for individuals on dialysis treatment. Are There Any Potential Drug Interactions? Vitamin K is contra-indicated for individuals taking Coumadin/warfarin blood thinning medication.