SUGGESTED USAGE: As a dietary supplement for mood and behavior support, take 1 - 2 level teaspoons 2 times daily; as a dietary supplement for the support of female hormonal balance, take 1 level teaspoon twice daily or take as directed by your healthcare practitioner.
HOW IT WORKS: Inositol is a necessary component of all cellular membranes. It is a member of the B-Vitamin family that contributes to muscular and nerve function, and participates in the metabolism of fats in the liver. Myo-Inositol is the most abundant form of this nutrient, with its highest concentrations being found in the brain and central nervous system. Myo-Inositol in particular is a versatile nutrient for the promotion of emotional and mental wellness, healthy eating patterns, and restful sleep through the critical role it plays in neurotransmitter messaging systems. In addition, it is a critical nutritional element for the maintenance of ovarian health and blood sugar maintenance, especially in women.