Guna-Geriatrics 1 fl oz

Item# G34918
Regular price: $27.60
Sale price: $23.46

Product Description

Guna-Geriatrics 1 fl oz

Homeopathic Medicine

Adrenocorticotrophin 6X Helps manage stress
Arnica montana 6X Antiinflammatory
Barium oxalsuccinate 3X Forgetfulness
Baryta carbonica 6X Improves mental attention
Brain derived neurotrophic factor 4C Helps mental activity
DL-Malic acid 3X Improves attention
Frontal lobe, Porcine 6X Stimulates mental alertness
Glandula suprarenalis suis 6X Detoxification
Hepar suis 6X Detoxification
Hypothalamus 6X Improves mental attention
Insulin-like growth factor-1 4C Enhances protein anabolism
Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone 6X Helps manage stress
Melatonin 4C Helps manage stress
Neurotrophin 3 4C Helps mental activity
Neurotrophin 4 4C Helps mental activity
Oxytocin 6X Stimulates social recognition
Parabenzochinon 3X Antioxidant
Phenylalanine 3X Stimulates mental alertness
Plumbum metallicum 6X Antiaging
Pyruvic acid 3X Antioxidant
Thyrotropin-releasing hormone 6X Helps manage stress
Thyroxine T4 6X Stimulates mental alertness
Ethyl alcohol 30%

Uses: For the temporary relief of symptoms due to:
poor memory due to aging, forgetfulness,
memory disturbance in the elderly.

Directions: Adults: 10 drops 3 times a day in a
little water. Take 15 minutes before meals.