ARA 6 - Pure Larch Powder (100 grams)
Don't be alarmed if your ARA 6 looks a little different, it's still the same great product! Our improved processing gently cleanses the Western Larch powder with only pure water, leaving ARA 6's natural tan coloring intact. Unlike other Larch products on the market, our ARA 6 is pharmaceutical grade and of superior quality, ensuring that you're receiving the full benefit of its health enhancing properties:ARA 6 is safe immune enhancing product, which, unlike Echinacea, can be recommended for all blood types. ARA 6 is also an excellent source of soluble fiber, capable of promoting colon health.
ARA 6 is a light, easily blended powder derived from the Western Larch tree. The primary component of ARA 6 is polysaccharides (a long chain of linked sugars) called Arabinogalactans, which are high-molecular weight polysaccharides capable of up-regulating critical aspects of the immune system.
Suggested Use: 1 tsp. twice daily in water or other beverage